Project Overview

The Greater RVA Transit Vision Plan (TVP) was completed in 2017 and establishes a long-term vision for transit in the Richmond region. Through a collaborative process involving regional stakeholders and the public, it is intended to guide long-term transit investments and expansion as the Richmond region continues to grow, using the year 2040 as a benchmark for achieving the plan’s goals.

Relevant factors analyzed to characterize transit demand include:

  • Existing land uses
  • Existing demographics and trends
  • Population and employment
  • Adopted future land use plans
  • Forecast population and employment densitites
  • Opportunities to link people with jobs and services
What transit exists now? Check out the regional transit map to view the existing public transportation network in the Richmond region.

Frequently Asked Questions

Enhanced Frequency

We are committed to working toward more frequent transit services on key routes to ensure that public transportation is a reliable option for all. This means shorter wait times and more consistent schedules to help you get where you need to go, when you need to be there.

Accessibility for All

Our program prioritizes accessibility, ensuring that our regional transit is inclusive and usable for everyone, including people with disabilities, older adults, and those with limited mobility. We aim to improve essential infrastructure, like shelters and benches, at bus stops and stations to make them more user-friendly.

Regional Connectivity

By expanding transit routes and services, we aim to create a seamless network that connects all corners of the Richmond region. Whether you're commuting to work, heading to school, or exploring the city, our enhanced transit system should get you there efficiently and comfortably.

Sustainable Transportation

We are committed to reducing our environmental footprint by promoting the use of public transportation. By investing in greener transit options, we are helping to create a more sustainable future for the Richmond region.

Investing in transit offers numerous benefits that impact various aspects of society, the economy, and the environment. Here are some key reasons to consider:

Improved Accessibility and Mobility: Public transit provides reliable and affordable transportation options, reducing the dependency on personal vehicles. This is particularly important for people who cannot drive due to age, disability, or financial constraints.

Reduced Traffic Congestion: Effective transit systems help alleviate traffic congestion by reducing the number of cars on the road. This leads to shorter travel times, lower fuel consumption, and decreased stress for drivers.

Environmental Benefits: Investing in transit helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution by lowering the number of vehicles on the road. It promotes cleaner air and contributes to combating climate change.

Economic Growth: Transit investment can boost local economies by creating jobs, both directly and indirectly. It enhances access to employment opportunities, supporting local businesses and increasing property values.

Equity and Social Inclusion: Public transit promotes transportation equity by providing affordable and accessible transportation options to underserved communities. It ensures that everyone has access to essential services, education, and employment.

Health and Safety: Reduced traffic congestion leads to fewer crashes and improved road safety. Additionally, transit-oriented development encourages walking and cycling, contributing to a healthier lifestyle for the community.

Sustainable Development: Transit investments support smart growth and sustainable development by encouraging higher-density, mixed-use developments in urban, suburban, and even rural areas. This reduces sprawl and preserves green spaces, forests, and agricultural land.

Cost Savings for Individuals: Public transit can be more cost-effective than owning and maintaining one or more personal vehicles, especially when considering expenses like fuel, insurance, and parking. An accessible transit network could help some families or individuals go car free or go to a one-car household.

These reasons underscore the importance of investing in robust and efficient transit systems, which can lead to a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future for all. Even for those who don't use transit, a transportation system in which others can choose to take the bus for their mobility needs benefits drivers by taking unnecessary cars off the road and reducing pollution. So even if public transit doesn't work for you, it's still working for you.

You can check the document library on this project page or view the original project StoryMap made after the Near-Term Strategic Technical Analysis.