RRTPO Technical Advisory Committee

PlanRVA staff will provide a brief status update to the RRTPO Technical Advisory Committee on the Rural Transportation Analysis.

PlanRVA staff will provide a brief status update to the RRTPO Technical Advisory Committee on the Rural Transportation Analysis.

This meeting is open to the public. Members of the public are invited to attend virtually. If you wish to participate, please register via Zoom.

Meetings are also live streamed and archived on the PlanRVA YouTube channel.

Members of the public are invited to submit public comments either verbally or in writing. Written comments can be submitted through the Q&A/Chat function on Zoom by email to RRTPO@PlanRVA.org. Written comments will be read aloud or summarized during the meeting when possible and will be included in the meeting minutes. Verbal comments will be taken during the Public Comment Period on the agenda. Please through the Q&A/Chat functions on Zoom if you would like to comment. When acknowledged by the Chairman, please clearly state your name so that it may be recorded in the meeting minutes.