Transportation Experience Survey
Issue Map
Multimodal Issue Mapping
Project Overview
Pathways to the Future: Transportation 2050 is the Richmond region's long-term transportation plan. It outlines significant transportation needs across the region through the year 2050, covering all nine localities and travel modes. This plan is a dynamic document that not only sets a vision and goals for regional transportation but also prioritizes projects based on these goals.
As a fiscally constrained plan, it includes financial strategies to show how the proposed transportation improvements can be implemented. PlanRVA creates a 25-year plan and updates it every five years.
The current long-range transportation plan, ConnectRVA 2045, will expire on October 4, 2026. The 2050 plan will replace it then.
For the 2050 update, we continue the vision from the last plan, which is:
The transportation system in the Richmond region will reliably and safely connect people, prioritize more equitable opportunities for all to thrive and live healthy lives, promote a strong economy, and respect environmental stewardship.
Pathways to the Future: Transportation 2050 is Richmond region’s Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) which will be used to guide planning and decision making on multimodal transportation issues and needs through the year 2050. PlanRVA develops this long-range strategy to guide the effective investment of public funds for multi-modal transportation infrastructure throughout the Richmond Region. The plan is federally mandated to cover at least the next 20 years. PlanRVA creates a 25-year plan and updates it every five years.
Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is updated every 5 years. This plan is intended to inform decision making and identify transportation needs through the year 2050.
This began in Fall 2024. The process will conclude in Fall 2026 when the plan will be adopted.
There will be multiple stages and ways to give input over the next 2 years. First is by identifying needs in our mapping activity on the 'Survey' tab above.
You can also provide input by participating in public meetings or events, completing future surveys, or sharing your ideas with us through the engagement site. More to come here.
If you know of a community who should be connected to this work, please share their info with us at Ask a Question.
Richmond Connects is the City of Richmond's strategic plan for prioritizing multimodal transportation projects. Pathways to the Future: Transportation 2050 is a regional plan that covers not just the city but also the town of Ashland and the counties of Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, and Powhatan.
PlanRVA staff will evaluate and incorporate input from the recommendations from Richmond Connects and other local transportation or comprehensive plans, incorporating those with regional importance into Pathways to the Future: Transportation 2050.
The plan will prioritize equity by identifying and addressing the needs of those who experience the greatest disparities. PlanRVA will pay special attention to engaging communities that have been overlooked by the current transportation system. Equity will be a key factor in decision making in project selection and performance measures.
Alongside PlanRVA staff, the Long-Range Transportation Plan Advisory Workgroup (LRTP-AWG) will lead the creation of the plan, making independent decisions to direct the process and its results. The group includes representatives from localities, regional, state, and federal transportation partners, environmental, and community advocates from the region.
PlanRVA: Was created in 1969, coordinates and plans for the Richmond region’s future. It manages regional programs in community development, emergency management, the environment, and transportation.
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO): MPOs are federally required organizations that plan transportation in urban areas with populations over 50,000 and receive federal funding for transportation. They follow a process that is Comprehensive, Continuing, and Cooperative.
Richmond Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RRTPO): The RRTPO is the federally recognized MPO for the Richmond region, supported by staffing infrastructure from PlanRVA.
Central Virginia Transportation Authority (CVTA): Established in 2020, the CVTA funds transportation priorities in the Richmond region. It operates with staffing infrastructure from PlanRVA.
Planning Horizon: A planning horizon is the time frame considered in a plan. For example, the long-range transportation plan Pathways to the Future: Transportation 2050 looks ahead to the year 2050.
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- Print a flier to hang in your group's space
- Post to your social media and tag @planrva
- Ask your people to fill out the survey and issue map
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